Friday, 18 February 2011

The Treatment

The plot of the film is about a proclaimed priest who at first seems like the protagonist in the film later then turns out to be the antagonist. the antagonist is a corrupt priest who tries to posses peoples mind and body through his sacred oath that he has, the oath is what has made the priest what he is today.

The victim we see in the sequence is consciously aware of his actions but leads into temptation as his lust for women gets the better of him and tragically rapes a woman in a alley way, he then realizes his wrong doing and turns to the priest for guidance.

The sequence starts with a zoom of the cross on the church then straight into the confession where the priest and the victim are in together, it then jumps to a flash back of when the victim commits his sin, through the flash back we see the victims emotions and thoughts as he makes his way to the church, it then cuts back to the scene where it started with the priest claiming that he can help and makes the victim write  the oath to sell his mind body and soul becoming possessed and tramped within the priest.

The unique selling point of this film is that the conspiracy/religious thriller is not often used so people may find it worth watching as they have not experienced it yet.

Through out the sequence there will be POV shots of the priest looking down at the victim and also low angle shots to show the victims inferiority, the narrative of the film is non-linear because of the flash backs and also referring to the past of what the victim done to the woman.

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